For nearly a decade and literally thousands of moves for seniors, Gentle Changes is Kansas City's best-qualified and most recommended resource for helping seniors make smooth transitions.

We are dedicated to providing our clients and their families with the information, support and management that will eliminate the stress associated with moving.

Offering a variety of supportive services designed to address the unique and sometimes complex challenges that seniors face in times of change, Gentle Changes is a qualified and caring team of professionals whose focus is on a streamlined, positive and thorough move. Whether the transition is into a retirement community, assisted living, care facility or scaling down into another home, Gentle Changes is a comforting and assuring hand that leads each step of the way.


"Nothing is so strong as gentleness"
-Francis DeSalles

Linda Scardino, native Kansas Citian and founder of Gentle Changes, has been committed to the support of seniors living successfully for more than 20 years.